Life Dreams Entertainment is a boutique entertainment development, promotion and special events firm with a specialty in human resource connections and creative brand brilliance. We also provide independent film, video and television production, committed to communicating images in creative and innovative ways.


Zina Brown, MBA is the CEO of Life Dreams Entertainment, LLC (LDE), which highlights her talents as a film and television producer, event organizer, promoter, fundraiser and talent connector. Ms. Brown’s versatile film, video and television production talents, along with her impressive Rolodex has enabled her to build an body of work that highlights her talent, capacity, and connections in the entertainment industry.

In 2000, Ms. Brown made a wise career choice to bring her talents to the entertainment Mecca of Atlanta, Georgia. After arriving, she began networking and marketing her services to Atlanta’s robust entertainment market. Since then, she has captured on film some of entertainments finest including;

  • Chart-toppers: Usher, TI, Ciara, Big Boi, Akon
  • Debra Lee, former CEO of BET current AT&T Board of Directors
  • Actors: Ruby Dee & Blair Underwood
  • Radio personalities: Ryan Cameron Uncensored (Majic 107.5) , Greg Street (WVEE V-103) , Wanda Smith ( former WVEE V-103)
  • Comedians Tommy Ford and Jay Anthony Brown
  • Michael Mauldin, of Mauldin Brand Agency, on “Welcome to Atlanta-NASCAR Weekend.”

Ms. Brown has been featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, CBS affiliate station WXIA, Channel 46 and many other TV and cable stations.

In addition to her numerous professional endeavors, Ms. Brown still finds time to volunteer her talents as a former executive board member of Women in Film (WIFA) and as current VP of the East and Operations Manager of the NABFEME Atlanta Network, the National Association of Black Female Executives in Music & Entertainment (NABFEME), Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers (AIVF), The Atlanta Press Club and Image film and video.

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